Tuesday 5 June 2007

The Quiz

Dear reader,
Welcome to the official Emerald Isle Quiz, that part of the blog where I test your Survivor knowledge and powers of observation. The series has taken it’s time to return to our screens, but it is finally back, so here we go...

In undertaking this challenge/quiz, you acknowledge the risks of the task and do not hold the Emerald Isle Blog or any person, place or property thereof, responsible for the loss, damage or death of your person while partaking in this adventure. Section 52 b, paragraph 4, sub-section 3iii of The Case of Survivor TM Australia Against Michael Ooh I Fell In The Fire Burns Victim Act 2004.

There are 10 questions for you to answer today. Once your answers have been cast, the decision will be final and the winner will be asked to collect their prize immediately.*

I'm now going to start my clock.

Bloggers ready?


Just to get you into the mood lets go back to the last series for a few questions.

Q1. Where was the last series of Survivor set? (Series 13)

Q2. Name the four original tribes of that series? One point per correct answer.

Q 3. In that series, the tribes were divided racially. Name the Survivors who made it to Day 39?

Q 4. Twenty Survivors took part in last season’s series. Name all twenty. (One point per correct answer)

Q 5. Who won that series?

Ok, now that you have warmed up it’s time to pick it up a gear. Series 14.

Q 6. How many Survivors started this series Survivor Fiji?

Q 7. Name both tribes?

Q8. What are the tribe colours?

Q9. Name all the Survivors and the tribe they are now in. (One point per correct match)

Q10. Which Survivor chose the tribes?

Those are the 10 questions. Answer them as quickly as possible.


Over the next few days I'll post more questions. The questions will be divided into different categories; tribes; nicknames/ who am I; opening credits; survivor’s occupations and tribal council, etc. etc.

*prize may or may not exist, we're not sure yet.

1 comment:

Alan B. said...

Q1. Cook Islands
Q2. Puka, Hiki, Raro, Aitu (i assume the abridged versions will suffice)
Q3. Ozzy, Yul, Becky & Sundra
Q4. couldn't be arsed. go look up wikipedia if you don't know :)
Q5.Yul (though Ozzy won our hearts with his sad personal history!)

Q6. 19
Q7. Moto & Ravu
Q8. Green & orange
Q9. ahem...here & here
Q10. 'Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show'? Oh, wait, no Sylvia

Easy peasy lemon teasy